Jersey City Times (March 2025)
Jewish Joy and Pain in Two Forceful Shows at Drawing Rooms
"'Hatikvah Sticker Collective: A Global Movement Stickering for the Hostages and Jewish Civil Rights'... is overwhelming. Many of the stickers bring us face to face with people captured, detained, and killed by Hamas. But others refer, with defiance, to Israeli history and adopt the high-contrast aesthetic of the early Bezalel School, the oldest design academy in Jerusalem. Right alongside photographs of hostages are images of Theodor Herzl, David Ben-Gurion, and Golda Meir. The Hatikvah printers make reference to the Maccabees, the ancient family of Jewish rebels and resistance fighters whose tale of triumph over oppression and establishment of a state of their own has been immortalized in Biblical scripture and apocrypha. The formal coherence and visual urgency of the stickering campaign makes the project feel immediate, but ... it’s grounded in tradition."
Times of Israel (March 2024)
Delayed by war, a rescheduled Jerusalem Biennale beats sheep into swords of iron
"In the lobby of Heichal Shlomo, the heritage center that was once the seat of the Chief Rabbinate of Israel, three walls feature the exhibit 'Jewish on Paper,' sharp, graphic design posters by several dozen artists along the themes of Jewish moments, holidays and rituals, said curator Eli Kaplan Wildmann, challenging viewers to figure out which images are historical and which are more current."
La Jolla By the Sea (November 2023)
“Heroes & Legends” Art Exhibition – Opening Night
"Brynjegard-Bialik’s work has been compared to the pop culture-inspired works of the 60s, to traditional stained glass, to biblical commentary – but it is a thing unto itself that needs to be seen in person."
Anu Museum Blog (October 2022)
Superman, More Guests Have Arrived:
The Jewish Artists Who Painted The Modern Ushpizin Through Comics
"These artists invited even more radical guests to their sukkah. And really, why not? If the idea is to invite inspiring heroes to the sukkah, why not invite superheroes from the world of comics? With the help of collages of comic strips, Brynjegard-Bialik created portraits of the ushpizin and ushpizot — both the conventional ones and some other guests he was happy to host in the Sukkah."
Ha'Am (March 2022)
Paper Golems: An Interview with Isaac Brynjegard-Bialik
"I was thinking about what Jewish artists do when they are anxious, and I started thinking about the golem story. We have these stories about rabbis using magic to animate these golems to protect the Jewish community."
LAist (February 2022)
The Best Things To Do In LA And SoCal This Week
Santa Clarita Signal (February 2022)
‘Paper Golems’ transform comic books into artistic pandemic diary
"Every element of his art is meticulously organized; even the story backgrounds of the superhero characters he uses in his work play a significant role in expressing a story being told."
Jewish Journal (February 2022)
Pandemic-Driven Art at UCLA Hillel Dortort Center
"When the pandemic began and Southern California went into lockdown, Isaac Brynjegard-Bialik wanted to regain a sense of control over his life. So he did the same thing that Jewish artists have always done in difficult times: he started making golems."
Hey Alma (January 2022)
A Jewish Artist Is Creating the Superheroes He Needs — And They’re Golems
"This marriage between Judaism and hand-drawn tales of justice came naturally to Brynjegard-Bialik, a super-fan of superheroes who keeps a Green Lantern ring at his desk."
Canvas Compendium (January 2022)
Pow! Zap! Oy! (Jews and comics)
"...creatures designed to protect, defend, inspire, and amuse..."
WVXU - Cincinnati Public Radio (November 2021)
Portrait exhibit features 'movers and shakers' from 200 years of Jewish life in Cincinnati
"One of the more modern inclusions—both in style and in time frame—is a mixed-media portrait of Sally Priesand."
The Alberta Jewish News (September 2021)
"Isaac’s work is detailed and expressive and leads the viewer to a new understanding of Judaic tradition, melding it with modern motifs."
The Jewish News - Detroit (December 2020)
"Visual T’filah creates a multimedia experience while participants are engaged in the prayer service. It utilizes contemporary technology to display liturgy intermingled with art and other visual imagery."
Shoutout LA (November 2020)
"British musician Billy Bragg says that we all know it’s not true – playing music and making art don’t change the world. But they can create opportunities for other people to rethink how they see the world, and what they will do with their lives."
L.A. Weekly (June 2020)
Art Helps Us Understand and Take Better Care of Each Other
by Shana Nys Dambrot, Arts Editor
"This is a time of collective anger and grief, of volatile, complex emotions and fresh calls to action, and our progress must be rooted in an honest conversation — no matter how uncomfortable— about what is happening and what is at stake... A tribute to the last terrible moments of Floyd’s life made from collaged pages of Luke Cage, Cloak and Black Panther stories, by Isaac Brynjegard-Bialik."
L.A. Weekly (December 2019)
"Brynjegard-Bialik (aka Nice Jewish Artist) takes a unique approach to collage, pressing classic comics into double-duty as reconsidered Pop culture memories, and even older stories from a spiritual tradition. By first slicing and cutting before reassembling passages from familiar super hero stories, he creates entirely new scenarios which parallel and explore both modern situations and ancient texts on how to live. The results have a ritual, stained glass quality that invokes the historical morality plays in their complex patterns, vitrine formats, and regal aesthetic; while containing evocative gems of dialogue and image that sparkle with all manner of potential new meaning."
The Forward (October 2019)
"Artist Isaac Brynjegard-Bialik sees a compelling link between the protagonists of his favorite Marvel and DC comics and the heroes of the Torah."
Jewish News Syndicate (October 2019)
Jerusalem Biennale for Contemporary Jewish Art kicks off with theme of dispute
Cleveland Jewish News (October 2019)
Cleveland shines in 'Men of Steel, Women of Valor' art exhibit
The New York Jewish Week (July 2018)
"It was Isaac Brynjegard-Bialik’s work 'Nevertheless She Persisted' that started me musing on comic books, disappearing heroes, visual signals and communal boundaries... Brynjegard-Bialik is among 38 artists from the United States, Israel and Europe... exploring the demarcation lines of tradition, culture and Jewish law that shape the lives of Orthodox Jewish women."
MegilLA (May 2018)
Cutting Through to Revelation (April 2017)
One of the "20 Of The Coolest Things To Do In Los Angeles
Kavana (June 2016)
"Isaac Brynjegard-Bialik is a synthesizer, harmonizing tradition and modern culture, scholarship and aesthetics, playfulness and profundity..."
Oregon Jewish Life (Dec 2015)
"Isaac synthesizes comic book figures with Jewish tradition to produce his sleek, clean-lined version of an ancient art."
KCET Artbound (Nov 2015)
"Brynjegard-Bialik brings these different types of stories together in the complex but clean layers of his papercuts, creating new meanings for the world's oldest stories as he engineers these combinations with the architectural presence of stained glass, the whimsy of gilded-age fairy tales, and the meditative aura of illuminated manuscripts."
Park LaBrea News / Beverly Press (Nov 2015)
Tribe Magazine (Nov 2014)
"His work is a perfect blend of high-brow religiosity and pop culture, taking a sacred tradition and adding a modern flair."
Jewniverse (Feb 2014)
"...his devotion fuels and electrifies these pieces."
Jewish Journal (Oct 2013)
"Brynjegard-Bialik’s beautiful pieces, which weave in images from comic books to create mythic takes on Torah and the Jewish experience, breathe new life into the ... art of paper cutting."
Boing Boing (Mar 2013)
"...exquisite paper cuts from recycled comic books."
Pacific Sun (Sep 2012)
"Each piece demonstrates Brynjegard-Bialik's ability to create art that is both insanely complex and gorgeously simple."
J Weekly (Aug 2012)
"Brynjegard-Bialik combines traditional papercutting techniques with collage to create intricate pieces whose inspirations span centuries, blurring the lines between graphic storytelling and decorative arts, pop culture and worship."
Ink Destroyed My Brush (Aug 2012)
"Stunning, intricate work that has both a sense of playfulness as well as a much deeper layer of meanings."
Jewish Art Now (Feb 2012)
"One of the most innovative Jewish artists working in traditional papercut technique today."
The Forward (Jan 2012)
Memphis Flyer (Jan 2012)
Jewish Scene Magazine (Jan 2012)
Jack Kirby Collector
Santa Clarita Valley Signal
Los Angeles Jewish Journal
Bleeding Cool |